All committees are single delegation, unless otherwise noted.


General Assembly Committees (45-55 delegates)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - Double Delegation

International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)

African Union (AU)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)


specialized General Assembly Committees (25-45 delegates)

Press Corps (Specialized GA)

House of Commons, 1830 (Specialized GA)

Pan American Health Organization (Specialized GA)


Joint Crisis Committees (20-25 delegates per committee)

The Encryption Eclipse (Three-Way JCC)

The Infinite and the Divine - Death and Guile in the Necron Court (Two-Way JCC)

Korean War (Two-Way JCC)


Crisis Committees (20-25 delegates)

Ad Hoc

Battle of Sekigahara

Bengal Crisis, 1943

Congress of Berlin, 1878

College Football

The 75th Hunger Games: The Mockingjay Alliance

July Crisis, 1914

Nigerian Election Crisis, 2023

Red Scare

Sand War, 1963

SARS Epidemic

Sudanese Coup, 2019

Super Mario (Political) Party

The Semipalatinsk Test Site

UN Special Session on Illicit Drugs, 1990

Yuan Dynasty